Birth Chart Calculator

Live: 3 Hours | $399

Soul Path Reading

As Narayana’s signature reading, this profound combination of astrology and Akashic Records dives deeply into the essence of your soul and guides your life in the right direction. By exploring your karma, past lives, key relationships, as well as the direction your soul yearns to take in this lifetime, this in-depth reading will feel like a huge energetic upgrade for your soul & spirit.

Live: 1-1.5 hours | $222-$277

Recorded: 25-45 Minutes | $111-$177

Astrology Reading

Whether you desire to get guidance concerning love & relationships, career, or spiritual development, Narayana will choose from a wide variety of astrological techniques to guide you. This reading will include eclipses, retrogrades, or major yearly transits that are affecting you now & will affect you in the future as well. Together, we will cover strategies to help you navigate your current planetary influences, and insight into your most latent opportunities when considering important life changes.

Book 1 hour if: you already know your birth chart, are asking about a current situation, or would like to explore current transits.

Book 1.5 hours if: you are unfamiliar with your birth chart & would like to explore it at a deeper level, or if you would like to explore 12 months of future transits.

If you order a recording reading, you will receive your video within 3-4 days maximum.

from $111.00


Birth Chart Painting

By analyzing your birth chart, I will capture its essence in an ink-on-paper painting. Comes with a white mat—FREE shipping in the US.

from $111.00

Various Amounts


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